I am so happy you are joining me!
Please read my review and then read to the end to find out how you can win a copy of your own!
Description via Goodreads:
When someone buys the old Honeycutt house, Nora Bonesteel is glad to see some life brought back to the old mansion, even if it is by summer people. But when they decide to stay through Christmas, they find more than old memories in the walls. On Christmas Eve, Sheriff Spencer Arrowwood and Deputy Joe LeDonne find themselves on an unwelcome call to arrest an elderly man for a minor offense. As they attempt to do their duty, while doing the right thing for a neighbor, it begins to look like they may all spend Christmas away from home. In a story of spirits, memories, and angels unaware, Sharyn McCrumb revisits her most loved characters who know there is more to this world than the eye can see, especially at Christmastime.
Nora Bonesteel's Christmas Past is a nostalgic look at what Christmas used to be and what it can be again.
This is actually two stories told together. Miss McCrumb goes back and forth between the two stories. One is about an old house with a special Christmas spirit. The other story is about two police officers on the road out to do their duty on Christmas eve. A duty that neither are happy to do so close to Christmas. Miss McCrumb shows how the past can be so much a part of the present, and how important it is to believe in Christmas Angels.
I really enjoyed this story. It has somewhat of a mystery vibe, but draws you into the having a little of the Christmas spirit sooner than you might normally feel it. Both stories engage the reader with simple down home characters and a lifestyle a little slower and less stressful than we tend to find in the majority of towns these days. The reader is pulled back into the past, only to be brought back to the present and the realities that face a lot of those around us.
So, take a day, get a warm cup of tea or coffee, sit in front of a beautiful backdrop, let your cat curl up in your lap, put your phones on silent and let yourself get lost in the Christmas season with Nora, Sheriff Arrowwood, and Deputy LeDonne.
So, how about a copy of Nora Bonesteel's Christmas Past to curl up with? I have graciously been given one copy to giveaway in celebration of Sharyn McCrumb's release.
In the spirit of the coming holidays and keeping with Miss McCrumb's story, post in the comments on my blog page your favorite memory of Christmas. It can be from your childhood, after you were first married, or with your beautiful, yet hilarious children. It can be moving or funny. On Monday Oct. 13, I will pick a winner at random from the entries in my comments.
So, in the meantime: HAPPY READING!!
This is actually two stories told together. Miss McCrumb goes back and forth between the two stories. One is about an old house with a special Christmas spirit. The other story is about two police officers on the road out to do their duty on Christmas eve. A duty that neither are happy to do so close to Christmas. Miss McCrumb shows how the past can be so much a part of the present, and how important it is to believe in Christmas Angels.
I really enjoyed this story. It has somewhat of a mystery vibe, but draws you into the having a little of the Christmas spirit sooner than you might normally feel it. Both stories engage the reader with simple down home characters and a lifestyle a little slower and less stressful than we tend to find in the majority of towns these days. The reader is pulled back into the past, only to be brought back to the present and the realities that face a lot of those around us.
So, take a day, get a warm cup of tea or coffee, sit in front of a beautiful backdrop, let your cat curl up in your lap, put your phones on silent and let yourself get lost in the Christmas season with Nora, Sheriff Arrowwood, and Deputy LeDonne.
So, how about a copy of Nora Bonesteel's Christmas Past to curl up with? I have graciously been given one copy to giveaway in celebration of Sharyn McCrumb's release.
In the spirit of the coming holidays and keeping with Miss McCrumb's story, post in the comments on my blog page your favorite memory of Christmas. It can be from your childhood, after you were first married, or with your beautiful, yet hilarious children. It can be moving or funny. On Monday Oct. 13, I will pick a winner at random from the entries in my comments.
So, in the meantime: HAPPY READING!!
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