Synopsis via Goodreads:
Someone very powerful is trying to destroy Sorren and everyone he cares about. That puts Cassidy, Teag and Trifles and Folly in the cross-hairs, against an unknown enemy with strong magic and significant resources.
Sorren has spent centuries shutting down the plans of powerful immortals, dark warlocks and supernatural creatures, and now he’s got to figure out which of those many enemies is out to get him before they pick off his friends one by one and come after him to finish an immortal vendetta
Miss Martin has another awesome hit on her hands!!
So first off, this is the second book in the Deadly Curiosities series. The first one introduced us to Cassidy, Teague, Maggie, and Sorren. Cassidy's family has owned the store Trifles and Follies for hundreds of years. Cassidy has inherited the store from her uncle. Trifles and Follies was not the only thing she inherited. Cassidy also inherited powers that have been in her family for centuries. Because of these special powers, her family has been in partnership with Sorren, a 500-year-old vampire.
Together these three acquire and neutralize dangerous supernatural objects. BUT this isn't all they do. They just happen to fight supernatural entities that threaten the mundane world.
In Vendetta, Cassidy, Teague, and Sorren find themselves fighting an evil that has a vendetta against Sorren. This evil wants to make sure Sorren watches everyone he cares about dies before it kills Sorren.
And, I stop there because as I have said before, I don't like to spoil the thrill of the read for someone else.
I truly loved this book as much as I loved the first one. In this story, Miss Martin drops little tidbits about Cassidy, Teague, and Sorren that helps the reader understand what each character brings to the story. She also introduces a few more characters. And I love how each new character is colorful and dedicated. Miss Martin introduces the reader to the world of spirits and how they are honored by their followers. It is like having a lesson inside of a story.
Miss Martin knows how to balance the amount of excitement to backstory. She doesn't bog the story down with a bunch of boring inane information. Every word she writes has an impact on the flow of the narrative. And the narrative flows like lava from a, erupting volcano! There is never a dull moment. Miss Martin takes you on the supernatural ride of your life!
I consider this story as a MUST READ!
I received a free copy through Netgalley